What is the SLLA 6990 test for?

This assessment will measure the level of standards-aligned knowledge and skills that you have to perform as a competent and effective school leader.

*The SLLA 6990 is run by Educational Testing Service (ETS®).

Where and When Can I Take the SLLA 6990 Test?

You can take the test during a number of different test “windows” throughout the year, so there’s plenty of opportunity to take the exam.

Click on the link below to find the available Testing Location dates and the At-Home testing dates:


How Do I Take the SLLA 6990 Test?

All tests are taken at a test center via computer. These locations include Prometric® test centers, universities and other locations. Click on the link below to find a test center near you.

***UPDATE: Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the test can be now taken from home through a remote proctor.

As per ETS: “The SLS tests at home are a safe and convenient option for test takers who live in the United States, its territories or in Canada. They’re identical to tests taken at a test center and are taken on your own computer at home or another secure location. All at home tests are monitored by a human proctor online. At home testing is available 7 days a week.”

What are the SLLA 6990 test requirements?

Each participating state has its own requirements.

Click on the image above to enlarge it and see the participating states.

Click on the link below to find your state requirements:

SLLA 6990 State Requirements

How many questions are on the SLLA 6990 test?

The test has two areas, one with selected response (multiple choice) and one with constructed response (the written part). 

Section 1 contains 120 selected response questions that cover the first six categories.

Content CategoryApproximate Number of QuestionsApproximate % that represents in the test
I. Strategic Leadership2013%
II. Instructional Leadership2717%
III. Climate and Cultural Leadership2213%
IV. Ethical Leadership1912%
V. Organizational Leadership1610%
VI. Community Engagement Leadership1610%

Section 2 includes scenarios, documents, and/or graphs that you will analyze to provide your best decision using a school leader mentality.

Content CategoryApproximate Number of QuestionsApproximate % that represents in the test
VII. Analysis425%
How long does the actual School Leaders Licensure Assessment 6990 take?

A total of four 240 minutes (4 hours):

  • Section 1: 120 selected-response questions (165 minutes).
  • Section 2: 4 constructed-response questions (75 minutes).
When Will I Get My SLLA 6990 Scores?

If you test in Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, or Virginia, your scores will automatically be sent to that state’s credentialing agency for school principals. For each test date, your scores will be sent to up to four score recipients (including yourself).

To know your score reporting date visit:


What is the Passing Score for the SLLA 6990 Test?

Below is the qualifying score for each state.

*Click on your state to see the requirements.

Arkansas151Maryland151Tennessee: 151
Delaware: 151Mississippi151Utah: 151
District of Columbia: 151New Jersey151Vermont: 151
Kansas151Pennsylvania151Virginia: 146
Kentucky: now 146
(lowered 5 points recently)
Rhode Island: 151Guam151
Louisiana: 151South Carolina151U.S. Virgin Islands: 151
Maine151South Dakota: 146
Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs

Click here to learn how to apply for accommodations: 

https://www.ets.org/sls/register/disability-accommodations.html(opens in a new tab)

Resources for Test Takers with Disabilities and Health-Related Needs:


Request a Score Review for your SLLA 6990 Test Results

In case you believe that your SLLA 6990 scores have been reported incorrectly or do not accurately represent your performance, you can request a score review for a fee, but only for the constructed-response section as a score review for selected-response questions are not available because they are already verified and scored by ETS before being reported. 

To request a score review, you must download and fill out the Score Review Request Form (PDF)(opens in a new tab) and submit it to ETS along with the fee.

*Please note that you need to make the request within 3 months of your test date.